Loren Samons
Professor of Classical Studies, Boston Universit
oren J. Samons II, a Professor of Classical Studies at Boston University, specializes in the history of Greece in the fifth and sixth centuries B.C., with particular interests in Athenian politics and imperialism.
Loren J. Samons II, a Professor of Classical Studies at Boston University since 01993, earned his doctorate at Brown University. Professor Samons specializes in the history of Greece in the fifth and sixth centuries B.C., with particular interests in Athenian politics and imperialism. He is he author, co-author, or editor of six books and numerous articles on ancient Athens.His current research focuses on the figures of Pericles and Kimon, Athenian foreign policy, the Modern Greek poet Cavafy, and the composition of Herodotus’ and Thucydides’ histories. His work has often focused on potential lessons about current (and future) government and society derived from the study of ancient Greece and Rome.