Mon Oct 16, 02017, 11:00PM UTC
Nathaniel A. Raymond, Ethan Zuckerman, and Michael Hawley
The Future We Leave Behind

A Long Now Boston Conversation with Michael Hawley, Nathaniel Raymond and Ethan Zuckerman.
Nathaniel A. Raymond is Director of the Signal Program on Human Security and Technology at the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative (HHI) of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Previous posts include Director of Operations of the Satellite Sentinel Project at HHI, Director of the Campaign Against Torture at Physicians for Human Rights and a variety of roles at Oxfam America. He has served in the field in Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Ethiopia, the Gulf Coast, Jordan, and elsewhere. He is a 2013 PopTech Social Innovation Fellow and a 2010 Rockwood Leadership Institute National Security and Human Rights Reform Fellow. Raymond is a co-winner of the 2013 USAID and Humanity United Tech Challenge for Mass Atrocity Prevention. He has co-written four major peer-reviewed articles on the use of information communication technologies i
Nathaniel A. Raymond
Ethan Zuckerman is Director, Center for Civic Media and Associate Professor of the Practice at MIT’s Media Lab. He is the author of Rewire: Digital Cosmopolitans in the Age of Connection, published by W.W. Norton in June 2013. With Rebecca MacKinnon, Ethan co-founded international blogging community Global Voices. Global Voices showcases news and opinions from citizen media in over 150 nations and thirty languages. Ethan’s research focuses on issues of internet freedom, civic engagement through digital tools and international connections through media. He blogs at … My heart’s in Accra ( and lives in the Berkshire Mountains of western Massachusetts.
Ethan Zuckerman
Michael Hawley was an educator, computer scientist, musician and photographer who serves as impresario of EG ( Educated at Yale and MIT, he held industrial positions at Bell Labs, IRCAM in Paris, Lucasfilm in San Rafael, and NeXT in Palo Alto. For many years, Michael was the Alex Dreyfoos Professor of Media Technology at MIT. He plays the piano (won the Van Cliburn amateur competition in 2002) and has a passion for photography (produced a notable photographic book on Bhutan). Michael lives in an old church in Cambridge where his family includes a quirky HImalayan mastiff (Tashi), an adopted Bhutanese daughter (Choki) and his beloved bride Nina You.
Michael Hawley
This panel affirmed that history informs our future thinking and, with a deep time long term view, we need to consider the history subsequent generations will inherit. A looming challenge is the re-writing of history [yes, it’s happened for thousands of year] but the social sphere and raw processing power at hand to spoon-feed clickbait to the masses puts us all at risk.
Algorithms…AI…Government Regulation. What can we do to mitigate the effects of an Orwellian approach? This is not about politics. It’s about the right to information; safeguarding identity; stewarding the humanities; protecting the right to choose. What impact is the technological revolution having on us and our planet for the next 10,000 years?